And this year, I'm sinking my teeth in all forms of 'Communication', which is my Achilles's he(a)l. Part of which, I want to put more sense in what I make, photos, for example. And from there, I can express better (that is the plan). Now if you understand what I'm saying, I've communicated something, effectively.

So lately, I've been bogging my brain with a poster from's online courses and reading Nancy Drew books (it's what I found in the house, and I'm enjoying them; it's quite amusing to read out loud silly words like 'tempestuous' which you don't hear often).
There are about 14 single elements (in a photo; be it informational, passive, active) that evoke some sort of absorbed anxiety from the viewer. These are forms that quickly grab your attention by the gut or those quaint images that's with mystery that draws your more and more the longer you look. And these elements help you convey that message (whatever it is). I think HCB once said that photography is seeing things geometrically, and aligning them in your head. By aligning these elements, you'll have a very clear statement floating in air and easily breathed in.
Cheers to our new ABC's.
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