It's been a blast-full year ending 2008 as there have been bombings in Israel-Palestine, India, Afghanistan, Philippines, (and more) in the last few weeks, ushering 2009 with bangs and bombs. In a very 'surprising' time between Israel and Palestine, the Hamas rocket-firing into Israel towns triggered retaliation attacks to air-strike numerous buildings in Gaza.
This morning, I was reading the paper (and; and there was this picture of the bombed Palestinian Parliament building. And it looked like the Roman Coliseum today.

Perhaps a century ago, this territorial/racial conflict escalated to war which brought the western world to realize that there were other people who had to be considered. If the Germans were ingrained with Nazi philosophies about Aryan supremacy, the Arabs and Jews had it in their blood; much like Christians had their 'original sin' once they were born. And until today, we are still in a deep trench.
Much like in any relationship, there really needs to be a compromise. But with the world becoming more and more chaotic with the economic downturns and hearing more explosions in the middle east (and some parts of the world) to welcome 2009, this sure holds a lot of 'signs' in the coming year.
The good thing about this is that there are less New Year's Day accidents in the Philippines (perhaps it was overshadowed? Or spending constrictions?).